M/V WES Elisa

M/V WES Elisa

Built: 2023 | DWCC: 3.500 | CBFT: 185.400

M/V Wesertal

M/V Wesertal

Built: 2004 | DWCC: 3.550 | CBFT: 163.000

M/V Julieta

M/V Julieta

Built: 1995 | DWCC: 3.250 | CBFT: 152.500

M/V Rhodanus

M/V Rhodanus

Built: 1998 | DWCC: 3.000 | CBFT: 151.000

M/V Elena-B

M/V Elena-B

Built: 2005 | DWCC: 2.700 | CBFT: 148.000

M/V Viktoria-B

M/V Viktoria-B

Built: 2005 | DWCC: 2.700 | CBFT: 148.000

Modern without compromise

To meet the re­quire­ments of a re­li­able sup­pli­er, all em­ployed ves­sels we use are mod­ern and out­stand­ing­ly main­tained. Due to the avail­abil­i­ty of our first-class ton­nage, we are able to offer trans­port ser­vices with max­i­mum re­li­a­bil­i­ty.

Our fleet con­sists of nine coast­ers. Our coast­ers meet all rel­e­vant lim­i­ta­tions riv­er-sea traf­fic con­cern­ing air­draft, beam and draft. Six coast­ers have al­most the same ca­pac­i­ty and cubage. Due to this ap­prox­i­mate uni­for­mi­ty of con­struc­tion, we are able to offer a very high level of avail­abil­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty.

Our fleet meets all re­quire­ments of mod­ern riv­er-sea traf­fic and coastal trade. See for your­self and down­load our ships' char­ac­ter­is­tics as PDF files.